Services updates offered

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Vulnerability scanning

  • Uncovering potential weaknesses in your system by systematically scanning and identifying vulnerabilities, we employ proactive measures to fortify your defences.

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Penetration testing

  • Simulating real-world cyber-attacks to evaluate the effectiveness of your security measures, we identify and rectify potential breaches before they can be exploited.
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Compliance audits

  • To secure compliance of your systems with prevailing industry standards and regulations, we conduct meticulous audits to guarantee compliance with the latest cybersecurity guidelines.

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Network security audits

  • Evaluating the integrity of your network architecture, we implement stringent tests to uncover potential vulnerabilities, providing recommendations for a more secure network environment.

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Application security assessments

  • Identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities within your applications, we focus on bolstering the security of your software assets against potential threats.

Benefits of our security auditing services

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RND Softech, is a 25 year old Pioneer Off-shore BPO staffing partner servicing the US , UK, Canada & Australian markets across 15+ Back office support domains.