Key features of our device control services

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Centralized management

  • Our platform provides a centralized hub for monitoring and managing all connected devices across your network. This includes computers, smartphones, tablets, IoT devices, and more. Gain real-time visibility into device status, usage patterns, and potential vulnerabilities.

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Access control

  • Ensure airtight security with granular access controls. Define user permissions, restrict unauthorized access, and implement role-based policies to safeguard sensitive information. With our robust access control features, you can manage who can access specific devices and what actions they can perform.
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Policy enforcement

  • Establish and enforce compliance policies effortlessly. RND Softech allows you to set policies that align with your organization's security and operational requirements. Automatically enforce policies across all devices to maintain consistency and mitigate risks.

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Inventory management

Keep track of your device inventory with ease. Our solution provides:

Detailed insights into hardware and software configurations.

Making it simple to manage updates.

Track warranty information.

Plan for future upgrades.

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Remote monitoring and troubleshooting

  • Our Device Control services enable remote monitoring and troubleshooting, reducing downtime and minimizing disruptions. Diagnose and resolve issues efficiently, ensuring your devices always perform at their best.

Benefits of choosing our device control services

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RND Softech, is a 25 year old Pioneer Off-shore BPO staffing partner servicing the US , UK, Canada & Australian markets across 15+ Back office support domains.