Our approach

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Identifying and assessing

  • Our process begins by meticulously identifying the specific skills and certifications required for your IT staffing needs. We then conduct thorough assessments to ensure that each candidate possesses the exact qualifications needed for the job.

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Sourcing and recruiting

  • Utilizing advanced sourcing techniques, we actively seek out professionals with the precise skills and certifications you demand. Our recruitment efforts are dynamic and ongoing, ensuring a steady pool of qualified candidates for your consideration.
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Customized training programs

  • In cases where a candidate may possess most but not all required certifications, we offer customized training programs. This ensures that they meet your specific needs and are fully prepared to excel in their roles from day one.

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Continuous skill development

  • Our commitment to excellence extends beyond recruitment. We provide continuous skill development programs to keep our candidates abreast of the latest industry trends and technologies, ensuring their constant advancement and positioning them at the cutting edge of the industry.
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Seamless on boarding

  • We recognize the significance of ensuring a seamless transition. Our team facilitates a seamless on boarding process, ensuring that candidates are integrated into your organization with minimal disruption, allowing them to contribute effectively from the start.

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Ongoing support and monitoring

  • Our engagement doesn't end with placement. We provide continuous support and surveillance to guarantee that our candidates continue to meet and exceed your expectations. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions help us maintain the highest standards of service.

Benefits of our skill/certificate specific staffing approach

At RND Softech, our Skill/Certificate Specific Staffing is not just a service - it's a commitment to providing you with the best-fit talent for your IT staffing needs. Partner with us and experience the difference that precision and expertise can make in building a highly effective and resilient workforce.

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RND Softech, is a 25 year old Pioneer Off-shore BPO staffing partner servicing the US , UK, Canada & Australian markets across 15+ Back office support domains.