Key components of our incident problem management

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Incident identification and logging

  • Our process begins with meticulous incident classification to identify and log incidents. Comprehensive incident reporting captures relevant information, including the nature of the incident, its impact on services, and the initial steps taken to resolve it.

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Incident categorization and incident prioritization

  • Incidents are systematically categorized based on their nature and impact, enabling a structured problem-solving approach. Our incident prioritization ensures that critical issues receive immediate attention.
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Incident investigation

  • A thorough incident investigation is conducted to determine the root cause of the incident response. This involves collaborative efforts among IT teams, utilizing advanced tools and methodologies to analyze logs, trends, and system behavior.

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Problem identification and documentation

  • Once the root cause is identified, we document it as a problem. Our detailed problem incident classification record includes information about the incident, its root cause, and potential solutions.
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Resolution and workarounds

  • We develop effective incident resolutions to address identified problems. In the interim, we implement workarounds to minimize the impact on service delivery.

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Change management integration

  • Incident escalation process through implementing permanent fixes may involve changes to the IT infrastructure. Integration with our robust change management process ensures that modifications are carefully planned, tested, and deployed to prevent unintended consequences.

Benefits of RND Softech's incident problem management services

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RND Softech, is a 25 year old Pioneer Off-shore BPO staffing partner servicing the US , UK, Canada & Australian markets across 15+ Back office support domains.